

National Life Insurance month is almost over and we are approaching open enrollment when its going to all about health insurance. Don’t miss your chance to ask about a life insurance policy!

The majority of our agents here are licenced in life and would be thrilled to answer your questions. There are two very important things to keep in mind. First, having a life policy in place is much more important than most people realize. Only about two thirds of Americans actually have life coverage. It is a common assumption that forgoing life insurance is a good way to save money. If you are young, single, and have no dependents that is actually a productive thought. All others should seriously consider having some kind of policy. There are hundreds of choices for the kinds of policies able to be written. That is where we come in. We can help you build one that fits you just right.

Here are some of the major types to consider:

  1. Term- pays if death occurs during the set time period of the policy.
  2. Whole Life- pays at the time of death no matter when it occurs.
    1. Traditional- premiums and benefits stay the same.
    2. Universal (adjustable)- you are able to change the benefits and premiums accordingly.
    3. Variable Life- combines death protection with a savings account.
    4. Variable universal life- Uses the duel coverage and flexibility of both variable and universal policies.


If you aren’t sure which kind is best for you feel free to ask! Our agents know all the right questions to direct you to your personalized policy. And you can enroll anytime so you don’t have to wait for open enrollment.

Office: 360-771-1155

Email: Stacey@YourInsuranceGal.com