
Medicare FAQ

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Medicare FAQ

1. When am I eligible for Medicare?

After you have been a resident of the United States for at least 5 years and are over the age of 65.

2. When is Medicare Open Enrollment for 2019?

Open Enrollment for 2020 coverage begins October 15th and ends December 7th 2019.

3. What happens if I don’t pay my Medicare premiums?

Part A is free for most enrollees, but if you are unable to pay Part B or part D premiums, they can be automatically deducted from your social security check each month, or otherwise paid through automatic debt. If you are unable to make payments you will be at risk for losing coverage, but this won’t ever happen without warning. All part C and part D plans must have a grace period of at least 2 months, so you have some time to get your checkbook in order after an emergency. 

4. How do I change my Medicare coverage?

A question like this requires a lot of follow-up questions. What plan do you have now? What plan would you like to have? What time of year is it? Since this question requires some more specific answers, a longer answer to this question can be found a medicareresources.org (https://www.medicareresources.org/medicare-eligibility-and-enrollment/how-do-i-change-my-medicare-coverage/).

5. Will my medicare coverage come with me if I move to another state?

Original Medicare is the same regardless of state. Medicare Advantage, Part D, and Medigap or supplemental plans can be state-specific. Any state-specific plan will not follow you to your new home state.

6. Can I be enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid at the same time?

Yes! There are a number of instances where you can be covered under both. In such instances, Medicare is considered the primary insurer with Medicaid paying last.

7. Does Medicare offer hospice care?

Medicare covers almost every aspect of hospice care as long as the patient stays in a medicare-approved facility. Medicare also covers respite care, allowing primary caretakers a rest during the 24/7 job of taking care of someone in their last days. 

8. Will all doctors accept my Medicare card?

96% of US doctors are registered to bill Original Medicare for medical services. So nearly all doctors will take Medicare insurance, with less than 10,000 providers opting out of almost 1 million doctors practicing in the United States.

9. How is Medicare funded?

Medicare is primarily paid for by payroll taxes paid by most employees, employers, and people who are self-employed (https://www.medicare.gov/about-us/how-is-medicare-funded)

10. How do I replace my Medicare Insurance Card if I lose it?

The online forms can be found here.


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