

It’s that time of year when the changing leaves and cooling weather get even the most avid summer enthusiasts excited to break out their sweaters. The shortening days, cool evenings, and unmissable presence of pumpkin in every food and drink imaginable are all signs of the season. If you’re on Medicare, Fall also brings a swirl of questions.

With Medicare Annual Enrollment beginning on October 15th, Medicare beneficiaries are bombarded with mountains of mail, robocalls, social media ads, and emails that all claim to offer Medicare advice. With the wealth of information proffered it is difficult to know what’s correct and who to trust with your health insurance. Thankfully, establishing a relationship with a local independent broker who represents most if not all insurance companies can help separate the truth from fluff.

Each October 15th to December 7th Medicare beneficiaries can look at the upcoming years’ plans and switch Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement plans. The surplus of reading material is enough to make just about anyone’s head spin – that’s why it’s important to find a trusted expert to help you navigate your Medicare options. Finding a local broker who knows networks and which doctors take which plans is key.

Your Insurance Gal Agency is a local team of brokers that’s made its niche serving the Vancouver and Portland Metro communities. At the helm of the agency is seasoned independent broker Stacey Johnson, who brings over 20 years of experience of helping folks get the medical insurance they need. The team’s mission is to simplify the Medicare enrollment process through education and guided help. They’ll help you weigh your options and use factors like your specific medical needs, lifestyle, finances, medications, and your favorite doctors to find the optimal plan.

Take it from the locals—you don’t want to trust insurance advice from national chains. Rely on folks like Stacey and her team of experts at Your Insurance Gal Agency who will be your advocates and ensure you sign up for the plan that’s right for you.