
While we encourage everyone to take advantage of open enrollment, sometimes it isn’t possible. If you find yourself “in between insurance plans” for any reason, Short Term Health Insurance might be a cost effective temporary solution.

Short term coverage cannot replace major medical coverage and it will not help you avoid the “Obamacare” penalty for not having insurance. Short term medical insurance will usually not cover pre-existing conditions or prescription drugs either. But it can be the perfect solution for someone that is in good health but in between insurance plans, looking to protect themselves from unexpected illness or injury costs.

If you have recently been laid off or are transitioning from one employer to another, this type of insurance plan can help you cover emergencies that could occur during the Perhaps you recently retired and you’re not quit eligible for Medicare, short term health insurance can protect you while you wait.

There are many reasons why this type of health insurance might be a good choice, you can learn more here or give us a call at (360) 771-1155.

Or learn more / get a quote here.