Life insurance is an uncomfortable topic not many people want to talk about, as it involves thinking of the worst-case scenario. However, it’s also an important decision each person should consider at some point or another. We live in an unpredictable world filled...
When you are eligible for Medicare, you can choose either Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan. However, there are many different factors to consider before you decide. Below we will look at the key differences to help you choose the right plan. Original...
The ‘Doughnut Hole’ in Medicare’s prescription drug coverage will close a year earlier than expected due to a new Budget Act signed by President Trump last fortnight. The deal will bring much-needed relief to Medicare beneficiaries who pay high out-of-pocket costs for...
No one likes to consider what life will be like after their spouse passes away. We especially don’t want to toil over cold financial matters, such as Social Security. However, a little preparation can go a long way. Knowing what happens to your Social Security now...
So, you’ve lost your job. Whether your company closed shop, your employer dismissed you, or your job was terminated early, you’ve either lost or are about to lose your job-based health insurance. For those with medical conditions that are currently being treated, this...
Whether it’s a car accident, a root canal or an emergency operation, insurance is a valuable asset to have. Not only can it save you from financial burden, but the care involved is often much better than what you would receive without insurance. Insurance also acts as...