Peace About Retirement

Peace About Retirement

“Seventy-eight percent of investors think they will have enough money to maintain the lifestyle they want in retirement, up from 69% in 2014, according to the Wells               Fargo/Gallop Investor and Retirement Optimism Index. In fact, 31% feel highly...

Productively Preparing for Public Speaking

As insurance agents we are constantly presenting. With all this practice we have come up with a few tricks to calm nerves and keep a clear head while being on the spot. For most American’s, public speaking is major fear. Being in front of others in any form...

A Nutrition Plan You Can Follow

The city of San Antonio has recently taken proactive action on fighting two major problems Baxter county faces. Diabetes and Obesity have been significant health risks for the this area. In response, a nutrition education program has launched a health campaign to...

Learning Financial Planning

It is no secret that financial planning has been a lacking skill taught to Millennial’s. Many trends have shown that American’s between the ages 18 and 34 do not manage their fiances responsibly and have little concern for the future with their money....
Happy National Women’s Day!

Happy National Women’s Day!

Celebrate with us by thanking the women in your life who demonstrate this years theme: #BeBoldForChange The seven values of International women’s day are Justice Dignity Hope Equality Collaboration Tenacity Appreciation Respect Empathy...