
Why You Should Have Health Insurance

Having health insurance improves your overall health and financial security, however, it can be a difficult decision for many in the short-term. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also commonly referred to as “Obamacare,” caused the rate of those uninsured by health...

Obama Care / Affordable Care Act

Insurers are doing just fine, according to new data from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The margins they’re seeing per individual customer (the difference between the premiums they’re paid and the medical claims they pay out) look as healthy as they have in...
How long before you turn 65 do you apply for Medicare?

How long before you turn 65 do you apply for Medicare?

The short answer: Three Months. A little explanation: Medicare enrollment begins 3 months before your 65th birthday (well, the month of your birth) and ends 7 months from your birth month. If you aren’t already enrolled and receiving Social Security, you will need to...

Combat Rising Health Insurance Prices

The quest to deliver quality health care to employees is more challenging than ever in a market where costs are rising and coverage is declining. And when it comes to the reasons employees are dissatisfied with their health plans, cost is the top grievance by a long...

About Disability Insurance

You enjoy your job and it pays well, but have you considered what would happen if you become ill or injured?   Will your health insurance cover lost wages in addition to medical bills? That’s where disability insurance comes in. Depending on the nature of your...
Not Necessarily an Easy Pill to Swallow

Not Necessarily an Easy Pill to Swallow

Medicare and Your Prescription Drugs Whether it’s part of your daily regime or a rare necessity, most of us will need to take prescription drugs at some point in our lives. However, with new and increasingly expensive drugs being prescribed daily, it can be hard to...